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commentary at the intersection of intellectual property &

 animal-related innovations +


insight on policy and legislative issues

from a pro-animal owner perspective


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Elaine presented a talk entitled “Drafting Animal Laws 101”  at the Texas Aggie Bar Association’s Annual Conference on March 2 in College Station, TX.

Recent Publication

Elaine's most recent article was published by the Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture and Natural Resources Law in 2022.   Entitled "Horses, Humans and the Law:  A Study of the Four Pillars of Support for Horse Ownership", the article details the permissive state and federal laws which protect and enable the rights to own and utilize horses.  While many horse owners are aware of the restrictive category of laws (outlining what one can't do) which apply to them, they may not realize that there is also a permissive category of laws (outlining what one can do) which can and do safeguard their equestrian lifestyles. No other resource contains such an equine-specific compilation of supportive laws and legislative proposals. Read the full article here.  



Elaine Marie Ramesh, Ph.D. J.D. 

I’m a licensed patent attorney and partner at Flener IP & Business Law LLC in Chicago, Illinois. As a horse owner and avid equestrian, I'm a passionate advocate for animal owners; particularly horse owners. I'm dedicated to the advancement of the equestrian way of life and have participated in regional, county and local comprehensive planning processes as an adviser to ensure that land use options that allow horse keeping are not overlooked.

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Pet Patents & Policy Blog

The Pet Patent & Policy blog is written to keep you informed on intellectual property topics and issues related to pets, ranging from patents, trademarks, copyright, and more. 

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